s I walk down my hospital unit, on my way to the lunch room, I try to not be so conspicuous. The aroma of crisp fatty bacon leaves a trail of evidence that I...
BODY io® CoachesBETA

Christin Grettenberger
I starting using Carb Nite and Carb Backloading 3 years ago. After personally achieving incredible results I began using these protocols with my clients, and have been successfully doing for the past two years. I also incorporate some of my clinical nutrition knowledge and have witnessed outstanding clinical outcomes.
My area of expertise is in working with clients who may be metabolically challenged, improving health outcomes, and physique building.
I just finished up my Master of Science to become a Registered Dietitian. With a background in both science and media/journalism arts, I'm drawn to the latest credible news in the nutrition and fitness industry. My passion for reading, experimenting, education and applying current findings in research has given me valuable skills as trainer.
I hope that my clients, not only learn about weight loss and performance, but that they learn the tools needed to help them through any life situation. Carb Nite and Carb Backloading aren't diets, they are a lifestyle. I hope my clients discover some life skills throughout their journey with me.
My favorite Ultra Low carb meal is Bacon Burger with no bun, and a side of brussels sprouts...with bacon of course!
My favorite Carb Nite/Carb Backloading meal is yellow chicken curry with white rice, pancakes, and donuts.
My favorite training goals are bikini physique/body building- resistance training. I also enjoy Crossfit and Muay Thai to mix things up a bit.
iet? Yuck! Many people cringe at the word, associating it with restriction, counting, elimination, and most likely frustration! Well now there’s a way of eating that’s been around, yet is trending more than ever...
love food and I love flavor, but most importantly, my best friend and partner in crime —my tummy—loves to feel satisfied. If he’s happy, then I’m happy. Although I’ve trained myself to eat lightly...
Guilty very time I would go and visit my parents, there was one predictable thing that I’d do every time I entered their house. In fact, it was so calculable that if I had...
magine that you’re a few days into your low-carb diet and when you suddenly you begin to feel “off”. You’re experiencing “brain fog”, light-headedness, weakness, and mood swings. Thoughts race through your mind. I...