HER Body™ #34 | Shana Alverson - New Co-host and Diet Rants

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In this episode of HER Body™ Alex introduces her new co-host, Shana Alverson! They rant about all that bothers them about “healthy food” posts on social media, celebrity endorsed diets, and popular diet advice.

They also share some tips on how to make better carb choices for your Carb Nite® to keep it interesting and how they are continually improving their skills to help their clients succeed.


I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and WBFF Bikini Pro. My athletic interests include Gymnastics and weight lifting. I hope to teach clients how to pay attention to what their bodies need, when they need it and how to manipulate the foods they eat in order to reach any goal.

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