HER Body™ #58 | Q & A with Alex and Tony

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In this HER Body™ podcast, Alex is joined by Body IO® coach Tony where they answer some of your commonly asked questions on Carb Nite® and  Carb Backloading™.

Some of these questions are:

– How do you transition from Carb Nite to Carb Backloading?
– How do you change the protocols for AM training?
– How can you stick to resolutions or goals?
– What is the best workout for Carb Nite?


I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and WBFF Bikini Pro. My athletic interests include Gymnastics and weight lifting. I hope to teach clients how to pay attention to what their bodies need, when they need it and how to manipulate the foods they eat in order to reach any goal.

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