HER Body™ #68 | Ida Paras - Experimenting with Carb Nite® and Carb Backloading™

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In today’s episode of HER Body™, Alex chats with client, Ida Paras.

Ida explains why she contacted Alex for help with Carb Nite® due to her type of work. Since she is a indoor cyclist instructor that teaches various classes, trains Jiu Jitsu, and now has taken up strength training she wasn’t getting the results she desired.

Alex and Ida discuss how experimenting with CBL and CNS was challenging at first due to mindset. Ida shares what helped her to listen to her body, continue with all her different forms of training while doing a clean bulk, and how keeping a food journal was invaluable to her.

To learn more about Ida, click the following link:
1. Ida’s Instagram


I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and WBFF Bikini Pro. My athletic interests include Gymnastics and weight lifting. I hope to teach clients how to pay attention to what their bodies need, when they need it and how to manipulate the foods they eat in order to reach any goal.

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