HER Body™ #53 | Jessica Reed - Carb Nite® during pregnancy Part 1

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In a previous HER Body™ episode where Alex revealed she was pregnant, she mentioned how one former Body IO® coach used Carb Nite while pregnant and then a short time later to compete.

Today’s podcast nurse Jessica Reed joins Alex to discuss how she successfully used Carb Nite during her pregnancy with food aversion and then 8 months later to compete in a bikini competition.

Jessica also explains why she felt like she had a blank slate to change her body to what she wanted after giving birth.


I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and WBFF Bikini Pro. My athletic interests include Gymnastics and weight lifting. I hope to teach clients how to pay attention to what their bodies need, when they need it and how to manipulate the foods they eat in order to reach any goal.

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