HER Body™ #70 | Carb Nite® Planning For The Holidays

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In today’s episode of HER Body™, Alex shares her strategies for planning various Carb Nites during the holiday season.

She also answers some common diet questions that clients ask, such as:

– How early can you start eating carbs?
– How do I not over do it?
– What happens if it’s a late night holiday feast?
– What do I do to avoid having daily Carb Nites when there are holiday leftovers?
– How do I not stress about food?
– Should I switch to CBL for the holidays?
– Can I have alcohol?

Alex’s calendar during the holidays:


I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and WBFF Bikini Pro. My athletic interests include Gymnastics and weight lifting. I hope to teach clients how to pay attention to what their bodies need, when they need it and how to manipulate the foods they eat in order to reach any goal.

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